55海淘成立于2011年,是一家新三板上市公司,总部位于上海,在美国洛杉矶、日本、香港、北京、深圳、重庆等地设有分部,公司专注海淘电商导购和效果营销,旗下拥有55海淘导购返利平台、Linkhaitao效果营销联盟、Shoplooks KOL整合营销平台,以及大数据平台等多款产品,2017年收购美国最大的返利平台Ebates中国区业务,成为国内海淘返利行业领军企业。
55Haitao is China's most influential cross-border cashback shopping site. Since launching in October 2011, 55Haitao has provided recommendations for thousands of overseas brands and in January 2012, we have launched our very own cashback program - quickly becoming China's leader in cashback shopping. With offices in Shanghai and Los Angeles, 55Haitao has expanded its reach globally with more than 7,000 partnered brands; many of which include Fashion, Cosmetics, Health & Wellness, and much more.
55Haitao is China's most influential cross-border cashback shopping site. Since launching in October 2011, 55Haitao has provided recommendations for thousands of overseas brands and in January 2012, we have launched our very own cashback program - quickly becoming China's leader in cashback shopping. With offices in Shanghai and Los Angeles, 55Haitao has expanded its reach globally with more than 7,000 partnered brands; many of which include Fashion, Cosmetics, Health & Wellness, and much more.