EQI DATA is an online business partner that utilizes a proprietary AI-powered business intelligence model that drives our fully integrated e-commerce and digital marketing multiplatform operations for global brands with a global team of experts, we are helping brands to maximize their performance across all social media channels and eCommerce platforms to boost sales, increase profits, and outperform their competitors. We are providing data model platforms, e-commerce operations, digital marketing services and strategy consulting. We believe in open communication, developing a diverse workforce, and a philosophy of shared rewards.
Welcome to our Shanghai office, it is a great place to build your career and enrich your life.

EQI DATA 是一个在线业务合作伙伴,利用专研的人工智能驱动的商业智能模型,致力于为全球品牌提供全面整合的电子商务和数字营销多平台运营服务。
Welcome to EQI DATA. To do great in our organization please observe the following thoughts and everything will be alright. 欢迎来到EQI DATA。在我们的团队中请遵循如下想法,一切都会变得很好。

Think! 思考
Perseverance and enthusiasm are key. 毅力与热忱是关键
Work hard and be nice to people. 努力工作并善待他人
Debate, don’t discourage. Don’t be a jerk. 辩论,而不指责
Small team; big impact. 小小的团队,大大的影响
Make it great, but make it. 做到最好,至少去做
Do something; tell people. 做些什么,自豪宣告
With great scale comes great responsibility. 责任大成就高
醇香咖啡 水果 零食 下午茶 生日会 团建活动
  • 上海市安远路285号安垦创意园4D