
PIXELS belongs to Pico Group, who is a design and technology firm that specialises in interactive experiences. PIXELS offers a full range of services from the earliest phases of a project all the way to completion. In addition to our in-house team, we have a complete network of specialists available to us. These include: engineers, researchers, architects, designers and project managers.

Never satisfied to replicate experiences, PIXELS researches new technologies, new modes of interaction, and continually invents new ways of making things work. Our engineering heritage forces us to justify each move, each change, and each decision -- grounding our designs in the real world. Our design impulse drives us to play, to form and reform, and to create work that is as elegant as it is innovative. We embrace an interdisciplinary process, bringing together architect-programmers, mathematician-writers, designer-musicians, and everything else in between. Our clients include: Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz, Rolex, Montblanc, Bayer, AMG, Cadillac, etc.
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  • 上海市嘉定区曹安公路4499弄99号笔克创意园