玩味广告是一家拥有全球资源网络、制作无数获奖影片的创意制作公司。 我们专注经营世界顶尖的影片导演、艺术家和设计师来为客户提供原创且开创性的作品。
STINK is a global production company creating award-winning films and content for our clients. Through its stable of world-class directors, artists and designers, STINK provides clients with the most original and groundbreaking work in our creatively driven culture.
凭借雄厚的影视制作实力,玩味广告已为系列国际顶级品牌拍摄过电视广告,其中包括可口可乐,耐克, 奔驰,宝马,奥迪及高端时尚品牌如香奈儿,Jean-Paul Gaultier,卡地亚等等。

STINK has been committed to bringing world-class production services and ideas into the Chinese advertising industry in order to help customers enhance their brand image for the local market, as well as open up international possibilities.
STINK considers creative freedom as its core concept, and through its abundant director resources is able to provide clients with the most original, interesting and groundbreaking work.
Our superb production team has worked with a host of international brands, including such top-tier names as Coca Cola, Nike, Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi, alongside high-end fashion brands like Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Cartier, and more.
We work intimately with our in-house directors all over the world, knowing they are the best of the best and can always present polished ideas and fabulous product.
  • 上海市徐汇区襄阳南路433弄18号201