上海圣岚广告有限公司 是一家专业的数字化媒体整合式营销服务机构; 我们将竭尽所能为您提供全方位的数字化营销解决方案我们注重创意, 坚信创意制胜; 我们在意团队执行力, 我们相信, 只有创意与执行力并肩前行, 才能实现品牌有效的数字化媒体营销整合传播。
We are a professional digital integrated marketing agency. We provide clients with a full range of digital marketing solutions. We focus on creative and firmly believe creative is a successful trump for us. We focus on the execution of our team. We insist the objectives of digital integrated marketing will be achieved effectively only when the creative and execution walk side by side.
We are a professional digital integrated marketing agency. We provide clients with a full range of digital marketing solutions. We focus on creative and firmly believe creative is a successful trump for us. We focus on the execution of our team. We insist the objectives of digital integrated marketing will be achieved effectively only when the creative and execution walk side by side.
创意组长(copybase) 15K-25K/月
“福利假期,奖金激励” -
文案(美妆/香氛项目) 7K-12K/月
“美妆奢侈品客户,氛围轻松,福利假期” -
小红书投放运营 10K-18K/月