1.Support the team delivers excellent communication execution including the development of social media content, press release, corporate messaging, speeches, whitepapers, H5, infographic, etc.
2.Conduct in-depth market and industry research and be able to deliver an analysis report to the team and client
3. Manage daily account operation, media, and industry monitoring, annually and monthly editorial planning, reports, and client liaison
4. Develop and maintain in-depth media relations on a daily basis
5. Support account managers and senior management team on preparing communication proposals and pitching documents
1. 支持团队服务外资B2B科技客户,撰写日常社交媒体类型文案,文体风格多样;
2. 参与定期内容策划头脑风暴,每周参加客户例会;
3. 参与深度采访安排和文字编辑支持;
4. 支持团队进行外资科技客户宣传文件中英互译;
5. 支持团队提案前期调研,信息收集和汇报
2.Conduct in-depth market and industry research and be able to deliver an analysis report to the team and client
3. Manage daily account operation, media, and industry monitoring, annually and monthly editorial planning, reports, and client liaison
4. Develop and maintain in-depth media relations on a daily basis
5. Support account managers and senior management team on preparing communication proposals and pitching documents
1. 支持团队服务外资B2B科技客户,撰写日常社交媒体类型文案,文体风格多样;
2. 参与定期内容策划头脑风暴,每周参加客户例会;
3. 参与深度采访安排和文字编辑支持;
4. 支持团队进行外资科技客户宣传文件中英互译;
5. 支持团队提案前期调研,信息收集和汇报
1. Be able to work independently, think out of the box, and show initiatives at work
2. Editorial mind, excellent in Chinese and English writing
3. Strong analytical thinking and research capability
4. Skilled in Photoshop / AI / Gimp, basic photo editing skills required, the video editing experience is a plus
5. A love for awesome results that really makes our clients Matter!
6. A strong itch to learn and grow with long term commitments
1. 2021年6月-2022年12月的应届毕业生,有相关公关B2B,企业传播实习工作经验加分;
2. 本科以上学历,公共关系学、新闻学、语言类等相关专业,中英文语言能力优秀,有留学或交换经验为佳;
3. 热爱公关事业,热爱写作,优秀的文字功底以及内容生成能力,有一定文案工作经验;
4. 热点话题冲浪选手,对科技类新闻热点高度敏感,微博、微信、知乎、B站等新媒体平台的重度用户;
5. 熟悉办公软件,包括Excel, PPT等,有多媒体技能,熟练使用秀米编辑,PS, Final Cut, H5等编辑工具;
6. 有自我驱动力和快速的学习能力,关注细节,有耐心,有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神
2. Editorial mind, excellent in Chinese and English writing
3. Strong analytical thinking and research capability
4. Skilled in Photoshop / AI / Gimp, basic photo editing skills required, the video editing experience is a plus
5. A love for awesome results that really makes our clients Matter!
6. A strong itch to learn and grow with long term commitments
1. 2021年6月-2022年12月的应届毕业生,有相关公关B2B,企业传播实习工作经验加分;
2. 本科以上学历,公共关系学、新闻学、语言类等相关专业,中英文语言能力优秀,有留学或交换经验为佳;
3. 热爱公关事业,热爱写作,优秀的文字功底以及内容生成能力,有一定文案工作经验;
4. 热点话题冲浪选手,对科技类新闻热点高度敏感,微博、微信、知乎、B站等新媒体平台的重度用户;
5. 熟悉办公软件,包括Excel, PPT等,有多媒体技能,熟练使用秀米编辑,PS, Final Cut, H5等编辑工具;
6. 有自我驱动力和快速的学习能力,关注细节,有耐心,有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神
What We Offer:
1. An open-minded, growth-minded, and flat management-style working environment
2. Systematic L&D program and fast career development path
3. Accountable and fun teammates
1. 走在科技前沿,我们追的热点是下一波科技浪潮;
2. 快速发展型独立公关公司,OKR管理,公司上下级战略和目标统一透明,有机会直接参与到建立和运营一家公司的过程;
3. 扁平、透明、坦诚、信任,充分发挥个人才能;
4. 在这里,你将获得系统的内外部培训机会
1. An open-minded, growth-minded, and flat management-style working environment
2. Systematic L&D program and fast career development path
3. Accountable and fun teammates
1. 走在科技前沿,我们追的热点是下一波科技浪潮;
2. 快速发展型独立公关公司,OKR管理,公司上下级战略和目标统一透明,有机会直接参与到建立和运营一家公司的过程;
3. 扁平、透明、坦诚、信任,充分发挥个人才能;
4. 在这里,你将获得系统的内外部培训机会