Digital Planning Director (Carat)     

面议      上海 北京  |  5-10年  |  2016-04-28 16:08
1.Set the working methodology for the group and is directly responsible for the online media planning and buying operations
2.Provide strategic online media direction to the Account Services team in order to properly manage client’s online media expectations
3.Oversee development strategies, implementation plans, and provide requirements and insights into overall technical requirements and development including creative
4.Participates in client presentations as the leader in the online media planning, buying and strategy, develops and leads the internal development of the online media best practices
5.Develop data-driven approaches to online media testing, media assessment and optimization and eventual roll out recommendations
6.Continuously analyze the results of the online media campaigns in order to optimize to maximize profitability,Supervise and review development and implementation of all plans
7.Provide and/or guide strategic input for all plans internally and externally, establish and maintain communications process with clients
1.5+ years of solid experience online media buying, planning and strategy.
2.Proven ability to lead and manage a team, Knowledgeable and passionate about interactive marketing concepts, practices and programs
3.Candidate must have strong organization skill, entrepreneurial outlook, hands on management/business approach and excellent communication skills
4.Strong client service ability and comfort, Candidate must have superior negotiation skills, Established publisher contacts
5.Candidate should have familiarity with digital tools, such as iResearch, DFA, AdRelevance
6.Bachelor’s degree required, Fulgent in English speaking and writing


One DAN, One dream!



上海 |  500人以上

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