
面议      上海  |  1-3年  |  2016-10-24 17:45
职位诱惑:“五险一金 自由氛围 办公环境优”
The role of Account Executive is to assure quality delivery of all agency tasks. The account executive is the day to day engine within the agency in pushing tasks through the internal system to ensure delivery on Clients’ briefs / projects. The Account Executive is to ensure a smooth working process internally and facilitates the relationship with the agency’s Clients and 3rd party vendors. A strong focus is on the basics, and the Account Executive is expected to have a strong attention to detail and diligence in following up on tasks. He/She needs to be able to motivate internal teams and push work through the agency system in adhering to the stipulated timelines agreed with the Clients. He / She is required to daily / weekly track competitive news to share out internally and to Clients as competitive newsflash. A monthly financial filling update (and filling system) is required to be managed by the Account Executive.
1.Minimum 1 (one) year [for Account Executive] / 1 ½ (one and half) years [for Senior Account Executive] working experience in a reputable Agency in an Account Executive role.
2.Skills required; proficiency in English & Mandarin (both spoken & written) and able to use all Microsoft Office documents.
3.Profile required; Pro-active, Resourceful, Flexible, People oriented.


任何没有大创意的广告都像黑夜中行驶在大海上的小船。 来与不朽人物一争高下吧!



上海 |  500人以上

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