文案策划指导Content Strategist     

15K-30K/月      上海  |  3-5年  |  2016-08-31 18:52
1. 根据客户及市场需求,提出精准的创意构思和营销策略,给予提案和文案表现等服务
2. 线上活动的策划方案撰写
3. 视频类、直播类策划方案撰写
4. 把控创意方向,激发文案创意团队的创意想法,提升团队人员的创意产出与执行
5. 能独立创作或组织撰写各类互动创意方案、网站文案、H5创意、Social海报创意、视频创意策划等
6. 与策略、设计、客户、媒体等各部门工作人员随时保持高效沟通
1. Plan and work on online media content according to clients’ requirements.
2. Participate actively in brainstorming meeting by contributing content-related ideas.
3. Plan projects and create creative slogans.
4. Highlight products’ selling points and write various parts of content advertising such as content heading, citations, text, picture with the text, slogans etc. Other parts include film and television, animation script, sound effects, narration, captions, slogans, etc., as well as social topics and passage content.
5. Compose a line of creative solutions that can be used across different areas.
6. Maintain effective communication with each department staff, design team, clients and media personnel.
1. 至少3年互动广告经验,精通各种网络创意形式
2. 要有趣,脑洞大,审美佳(别问我们美佳是谁)
3. 对创意有无限热情,热爱文字,博览群书
4. 具有出色的文案表现能力,并有一定美术基础及画面把控能力
5. 具有优秀的策略、提案与沟通能力
6. 熟悉网络生态文化,无论是流行趋势或亚文化发展
7. 熟悉主流行文化和亚文化(二次元、影视剧、时尚、体育比赛等)
8. 熟悉Social环境语境及用法
1. At least 3 years of relevant experience as a content editor in advertising.
2. Passionate in innovation, writing, reading and aesthetics.
3. Excellent communication skills required, with the ability to write succinctly, while still being engaging.
4. Possess creative ideas, proposal drafting skills, adequate experience and fast response.
High degree of professionalism and sense of resp
12天以上带薪年休假 年度体检 年度旅游 年终奖励

关于6e Group

6e Group 六弈互动,坐标上海。 


6e Group

上海 |  50-100人
