Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, TrailRunner International is a global strategic communications firm that provides crisis communications, financial communications, and ongoing corporate communications support to the world’s top enterprises, institutions, and individuals. The firm is experiencing significant growth driven by its signature commitment to client service and its growing reputation for helping clients win their must-win battles. TrailRunner has more than quadrupled in size since opening its doors in 2016 and remains committed to hiring entry-level, mid-career, and senior communications professionals from diverse backgrounds who share its founders’ obsessive focus on helping their clients win. For more information about TrailRunner International, go to
Today’s global communications landscape is challenging and complex. There are no easy wins anymore.

Communications opportunities and challenges no longer fit neatly into traditional categories. These special situations require a team approach across many diverse disciplines, including media, law, finance, and regulatory affairs. Speed and accuracy are more important than ever, and successful organizations must communicate swiftly and decisively.
Our priority is to help our clients win.

We don’t try to do everything, and we don’t try to be all things to all people. We focus only on areas where we can provide best in class service.
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