Havas Media Group 汉威士媒体集团是全球六大广告和传媒集团之一,总部位于法国巴黎,业务遍布全球 77 个国家,有 14400 多名雇员。汉威士旗下主要的广告公司包括灵智精实(灵智大洋)( Euro RSCG Worldwide ,总部位于纽约)、Arnold Worldwide(总部位于波士顿)、传媒企划集团(Media Planning Group,总部位于巴塞罗纳)与市场服务机构"精实整合行销"(Field Force Integrated Marketing Group)等。汉威士媒体集团为世界各地的客户提供诸如媒体策划与购买、战略咨询、品牌娱乐化以及互动营销等服务。我们在北京、上海设有办公室,因此汉威士媒体中国区的工作人员能够在不同领域提供高质量服务。
We provide clients with meaningful, strategic leadership which spans media planning and buying, data analysis and activation, creative content development, direct response, performance marketing, local and multi-local communications, mobile marketing and social media expertise, working closely with Havas Group's specialised pure player agencies.
Our company is structured around the principles of a new type of media strategy that we call Organic Marketing. With our Meaningful Brands® methodology at its core, Organic Marketing actively promotes an alternative to the traditional “paid first” approach - ensuring our teams use the skill sets described above to redefine the strategic roles of owned, shared, earned and paid media for all our clients.
Our company is structured around the principles of a new type of media strategy that we call Organic Marketing. With our Meaningful Brands® methodology at its core, Organic Marketing actively promotes an alternative to the traditional “paid first” approach - ensuring our teams use the skill sets described above to redefine the strategic roles of owned, shared, earned and paid media for all our clients.